President of Club :Mrs. Manisha Guglani
Student Coordinators:-Idhant X D,Madhav X A
The purpose of a Tinker Club in school is to provide a hands-on, innovative space where students can explore, experiment, and create using various materials and technologies. By fostering a culture of tinkering, the club encourages students to develop essential skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, while building confidence and self-directed learning abilities. Through activities like prototyping, coding, and makerspace projects, students can bring their ideas to life, turning imagination into reality. The Tinker Club also promotes STEM education, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, preparing students for an ever-changing world by teaching them to adapt, innovate, and invent. By embracing failure as a learning opportunity, the club helps students develop resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset, essential for success in the 21st century.

Tinker Club activities:
ATL Lab Inaugration :-In order to support the Government of India in fufilling the Atal Innovation mission , the OSDAV Public School has setup an ATL lab in its campus with a vision to cultivate one million child innovators in India, for which honourable Arya Ratan Dr.. Puman Suri Ji was invited as the Chief guest to the Inaugural ceremony of this Lab along with ATL Lab Magazine on 16th October, 2022 .(CLICK HERE FOR DETAIL)
AIOT integration in Curriculum:-Teachers of our school (Mrs. Manisha Guglani, Mrs Anju Kheterpal,Ms.Kirtika Gupta and Mr.Paras) attended a 3 days workshop(Oct.16,2022 to Oct.18,2022) related to implementation of "AIot integration in Curriculum" with Social Science and Science from class 6th to 10th.To disseminate this information school conducted a workshop related to the same in ATL lab on 29/9/2012. CLICK HERE FOR DETAIL
OSDAVians Lesson Plan in CBSE's Compendium:-Faculty has proved its mettle at National Level thereby adding another feather to the cap of constant achievements by registering its place in CBSE's Compendium which contains lesson plans of integration of artificial intelligence into the school curriculum from all over India. The OSDAV outshone all other schools in Haryana by becoming the only school in the state to get its two lesson plans published in the renowned Compendium. The Osdavians put in their hard work and creativity to make the lesson plans worthy of selection for the Compendium on account of being pragmatic and practical. (CLICK HERE FOR DETAIL)
AIoT Project Showcase-"Al the new normal" :-OSDAVians shared their knowledge of AIoT Project Showcase-Al the new normal". OSDAVians after being selected among 50 schools across India to pilot 'AIoT Integration in Curriculum’ program started by CBSE and Ministry of Education, organised Artificial intelligence based "Project Showcase-Al the new normal" on June 2,2023. Mrs Shelly , the master trainer and content developer for Artificial Intelligence Integration across subjects for CBSE Curriculum , INTEL and NITI Aayog was the Guest of Honour for the event. .CLICK HERE FOR DETAIL
Launch of E-Magazine of Project Showcase: AI THE NEW NORMAL
OSDAVians clinched second position at state level:OSDAVians clinched second position at State Level Competition "Atma Nirbhar Bharat Festival" held in jindCLICK HERE FOR DETAIL
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024:-OSDAV, Kaithal’ s Project Showcase at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi (Pariksha Pe Charcha)On the auspicious occasion of Pariksha Pe Charcha, OSDAV school’s two students Madhav and Pratham had the privilege of participating in the project showcase “AI Countengify” at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. The event served as a platform for students to exhibit their innovative projects and engage in meaningful discussions with peers and educators.It’s worth mentioning here that OSDAV stood unique in the venture as only 12 schools across India had been selected for this Project show case out of which OSDAV was the only school of Haryana except NCR who has got the opportunity to participate at such a grand platform.
The "AI Countengify" project is an innovative solution designed to address the critical issueof vehicle overloading, promoting passenger safety, and adhering to recommended capacity.
National Summit on Facilitating Schools To work Transition: 2 teachers and 4 students to participated in National Summit on Facilitating Schools To work Transition .Students got opportunity to showcase their projects in National Summit.
Interschool “TECHSPARK 1.0”: After the wonderful experience of ATL project showcase “AI The New Normal ”conducted in session 2023-24, this year the tinker club organised an IT Fest “TECHSPARK 1.0” an Intra School Event held on July 20, 2024 for students of classes III to XII followed by Interschool “TECHSPARK 1.0”. The event included stimulating activities like Techno Debate,Techno Quiz, Techno Designer,Techo Presentation etc. for the students of different classes of different schools of Kaithal and outside kaithal(DAV Schools) to exhibit their technical prowess. These events gave an exposure to the students to explore their hidden talents to uncover personal aptitude .CLICK HER FOR DETAIL
Atl Calender:-The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has a calendar that lists all the activities for the Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) for the year 2024-2025.To view regular update of ATL Calender Activities click on Osdav-Atal Tinkering Lab
Participation in National Innovation Award 2K24

Class x students Mayank Harsh , Himanish Divyansh, Ansh , Anish Idhant participated at PIET Campus(Offline Event) on November 30,2024 organised by The Startup Incubation Centre of Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology is going to host *National Innovation Award 2K24* in collaboration with Navjyoti India Foundation, Vikhyaat Global Foundation of India and industry partner Pickl and showcased their innovative